4 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Motorhome Rental
Thinking about renting an RV or motorhome to head out on the road for some adventures in the Southwest? At Sand Highway RV Rentals LLC, we’ve got lots of options for you to choose from. If our inventory looks daunting, it’s OK. Let’s start by thinking through some of the questions and factors involved in your choice.

1. Staying Put or Moving Around?
What do you plan on doing during your trip? Are you staying put in one or two campgrounds, or traveling across multiple states? The bigger the RV, the more gas it will consume. Also, hooking up and unhooking from campsites is a bit of a chore with bigger class RVs. So, make sure the RV model you choose will fit your travel style and plans.
2. How Many in Your Squad?
Who is coming along on this trip? Determine how many beds you will need for everyone to sleep comfortably, and then eliminate models that have too few or too many beds. Our motorhomes will sleep up to 9 people.
3. Got Power?
Most commercial campgrounds offer full RV hookups with power, but it doesn’t hurt to confirm. There’s no sense in renting one of our deluxe motorhomes that features a full sound system or multiple TVs if your campsite doesn’t have power. If hookups are limited or you plan to camp in a remote location, you may want to choose a toy hauler instead. But if you’re going to have power, why not get the nicest RV your budget will allow?
4. Who’s Driving?
Make sure the driver will be 100% comfortable with whatever model you choose. If he or she is feeling less than confident, go with a smaller model.
Our staff at Sand Highway RV Rentals is committed to helping you select a motorhome that will be the perfect fit for you. We’ve been in this business a long time, and we’ve seen everything! Got questions about RVing in the Southwest? We’re happy to help! Contact us today at (602) 730-4505.